Monday, November 19, 2012

Oprah's Favorite Things - 2012

If you know me at all, you know that one of my favorite things is to watch Oprah's Favorite Things!!  And tonight was the 2102 edition, which is the first to follow the ending of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

As we've all seen, Oprah typically did her Favorite Things on the set of her show. Well, since the show is no longer in production, this year had a different feel - a more intimate feel.  With each of the hand-selected recipients opening gifts with their name on the gift tag - and the entire group receiving each of the gifts opened.

Oprah and her dream team selected a group of Military Spouses and had them come to HARPO Studios under the rouse of viewing the new show about military spouses called; Married to the Army: Alaska.  

Of course this was part of the surprise.  Oh how I love Oprah when she is working her special brand of magic!!!  Just as the spouses sat back on the chairs and sofas in the living room setting, to watch the program, the TV's went fuzzy ... snowy ... and then .... the pictures changed to falling snow - as jingle bells began to ring, and Oprah reappeared in a sparkling red top - all decked out for the holiday show!!  

I absolutely love, love, love watching the expressions on the faces of the people just when they realize what is about to happen!!  The expressions as it slowly sinks in ... lol ... you can almost hear their brain processing the surprise and the realization that they were about to be bathed in love and joy.  Not to mention the haul they were about to be blessed with! 

From designer bags, to shoes and booties... motorized scooters, jewelry and Ralph Lauren sweaters!  Microsoft's newest tablet and 46" Bose TV's!  Watches and Pipcorn!!  Truffles and beauty products. Tempurpedic beds and Hotel Collection Bedding.   Let's not forget the pajamas !!!  And a Skype visit for one of the wives from her husband while on tour!!  Oh how my eyes burn from the tears of joy as I watched the faces of spouses as they received their blessings.  Oprah's touch of Christmas!!

Now - if you know Oprah at all ... you know there is always a show stopper.  Who can forget the year that everyone got a car?  Or the year everyone got the new Beetle?  Or when she took everyone in her audience to Australia??  Well ... in true Oprah form .... each of the spouses received vacations (for two) to Fiji!!!

How marvelous!!!  

Once again .... I am left with my heart full of joy.  None of the gifts came home with me.  And yet, true to form, I feel richer for having watched the show.  I absolutely love the appreciation.  The expressions.  The true, true gratitude.   The mother who could not afford Christmas for her family for several years - and was diving up the gifts in her mind.  

I feel like when Oprah touches one - she somehow touches us all ... in making us realize how truly blessed we are!!  

You did it again Oprah!!  My eyes burn from the tears of joy.  My throat hurts from the laughter.  My heart is full from baring witness to your generosity.

God Bless!!