Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Predictions - A Year Of Miracles

Year Of Miracles 

What does 2015 hold for us? Well it holds quit a lot more than what we would expect. First things first, the year 2015 is a number eight (2+0+1+5=8), and eight represents unlimited possibilities. Just imagine, an entire year of soaring through each day with the possibility of success! Of course not everyday will be a highly productive one, but even during the low days most individuals’ thoughts will be pondering unique ways to climb their personal mountain.

It does not matter if love, career, finances, spirituality or family is the focus, what will matter will be the passion put into it. Most people will show more enthusiasm this year than they have in while. We will see this more in politics and business around the world ie: the American/Cuban embargo being lifted. Even though these fervent changes on a macro level will be more obvious in Politics and business, on a micro level every individual will be just as passionate in all they do.

As soon as the clock strikes 11:59pm on December 31st, the universe’s energy will embrace the newness of 2015. Almost instantaneously Individuals will recognize their personal talents and will more zealously express them. Bashfulness and fear will not be as much of a hindrance, and many shy individuals will come out of their shells. Expect co-workers, employees, even children who are usually introverted, to outright express themselves in a way that they have not before.

In terms of health, it is important to focus on an exercise regimen of some sort in 2015. It could be as simple as committing to taking 1000 extra steps a day or going as far to join a gym, every little movement will help. More and more individuals will be mindful of not eating as much meat throughout the day, and will make a conscious decision to lower their meat intake by eating it every second meal, every second day, or cutting it out completely. Health discussions will become more prevalent and people will start recognizing the dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms. Serious minded people will speak up against the unhealthy direction our society is headed in, in terms of nutrition and healthy living, and people will become aware of the dangers of GMO’s food facts.

Finances will be somewhat of a concern for people who do not save. However, as long as a savings is established and discipline is exercised financial security will be easier to achieve.

Last but not least, love! Love is something that will lead in 2015. The passion that will be in the air will help many single folks to become connected and committed. Marriages in 2015 will have longevity and relationships that start in 2015 will be founded on respect and adoration.

2015 the year of miracles will have loads in store for you. Set your sails and get ready to deep sea dive! Once you take the plunge you will discover a world of unlimited possibilities.


Happy New Year - 2015 !!!

I always look forward to the New Year. New beginnings. New chances. New chapters. New adventures.  It's like being at the starting line. A chance for a do-over. An opportunity to do better. To be better.

There is really something quite magical about this time of the year. Anything is possible!

Today we are at the start line. A book of blank pages lay ahead for us to tell a story. The story of 2015, and oh what a best seller it is going to be!!

As you know, I have given up resolutions a few years ago. Instead, I select a word. A single word to focus on for the year ahead. One year health, than forgiveness ... last year was love. Love of everyone around me, and love of myself. To treat myself in a loving manner. Easier said than done - right?

I was worried that perhaps I did not succeed with my word during 2014.

Then I started to think about what love really meant. Love is compassion, it is patience, it is resilient, it is understanding, it is trusting, it is hopeful, it is faithful. And when I look back over all of the events of 2014, As I wrote my year in review, I realized that I did succeed. All of the challenges - the ups and the downs taught me to love and to be loving. Was I perfect? No. Alas, I am human. But I do believe in my heart that I benefited greatly from the lessons of LOVE over this past year. And have grown as a result of them.

That then brings me to the decision of what my word for the new year is going to be. I did entertain the thought of extending LOVE for another year. Then I thought of going broader. My word will be SPIRITUALITY.

Most everyone knows that I do not consider myself to be religious, but rather a spiritual woman. However, I am broadening the blanket term - or the most understood definition of spirituality to be not only my relationship with God, but my relationship with all things Godly. We know that He is everywhere, and so, spirituality in relation to people, places and things is in fact a relationship with the Lord. It is all encompassing.

And so, will be my word - as well as my mission for 2015.

It's interesting, because as I began to write this post I had no idea what my word would be. But I had a feeling that it would come to be when the time was right. The word I needed to focus on would present itself. And it has.

Thank You Lord!

I don't know if you write out a list of resolutions to better yourself at the beginning of a year, or if you have also chosen a word to focus on. Or perhaps you just take each day as it comes.  However you have decided to go into 2015, I want to wish you the very best.

Here is to a year filled with love, joy, laughter, success, good health, prosperity, and spirituality!

Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My 2014 In Review

Here we go, the winding up of another year. Is it just me, or are the years going by more quickly? Perhaps it just feels that way the older I get.  Nonetheless, here we are, wrapping up the final pages of a chapter to be filed away, as we prepare for the new. The New Year. The New Chapter of our lives. The unwritten. Ahhhh I absolutely adore the thought of the possibilities ahead.

2014 did not disappoint. It was filled with ups and downs. Inspirations and some disappointments. But what is important is that I made it to the end of another year. Praise God!

There were several major events for me in this year. As many of you know, in March I quit smoking! I switched from analog cigarettes to ecigs. And I am happy to say that I am now approaching ten months of being smoke free! Further to that, these past two months I have reduced the nicotine levels from 24mg/ml to 16mg/ml. And the reduction is going very well. I feel like over the next couple of months I will be making another reduction to 12mg/ml. And before you know it, I will have weened myself off of the ecigs all together! Has it been easy? No. There was temptation. Lets be honest, it was a lot easier than anything else I have ever tried in unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking, but it did still require willpower. And I am super proud of myself.

April brought upon a very frightening time. My beloved Bentley got very ill. He had eaten some garlic coated meat and became gravely ill. I won't get too graphic here, but I was boiling chicken and rice for weeks as he was literally starving to death.. He could not eat, and was spewing bile and blood - from the North and the South. (If you get my meaning.) I was so afraid that he would not make it through. And am ever so thankful that he got better. It took about two month in total for him to get back to his old self, but he made it! And I have never been more thankful!

In June was Bentley's surgery. He was in desperate need of oral surgery - and frankly, I could not afford the thousand dollar price tag that came along with it. Thankfully with a referral from his Vet's office to the Farley Foundation, Bentley was able to get his operation. I just cannot tell you how thankful I am to the Farley Foundation and all of its supporters, that made Bentley's operation possible.

How blessed are we???

Most of you know by now that I live with medical challenges, and this year was very much a challenge for me. Particularly my mobility. The Spring and Summer saw the decline in my ability to walk. Even so much as no longer being able to do my own grocery shopping. Having to depend on family and my best friend to do my errands for me. Now, if you know anything about me at all, you know how difficult it is for me to just sit back and watch other people do things for me. Frankly, it drove me crazy!!

I'm really not sure what was worse, having to watch other people do stuff for me, or the fact that I could not get up and do things for myself. I remember sitting in a wheelchair outside of the doctor's office, just watching people walking around - going about their business ... just taking for granted that they could just get up and walk. It made me very aware of the small things. The little things that often don't even make it on to our radar. Yet, when taken away, they can make the biggest impact on our lives. Like the ability to walk.

In September I had my total knee replacement surgery. The surgery itself was a success. The recovery has been insane! Really just a never-ending line of complications and infections, reactions to medications, and so on, and so on....

It has now been nearly four months since my operation and I am still building my strength. I no longer have pain in my leg but have very little energy. My mother recently pointed out that although it has been nearly four months since the surgery - it has only been one month since the end of my last complication, which was a deep tissue infection at the surgical site, that took six weeks of antibiotics to get rid of. So, really, it is no surprise that my body is struggling to recover. It has been through a Lot!

And all things considered, I am getting stronger every day. Bentley had to stay with my friend for two months during the beginning of my recovery. He came home at the beginning of November and we are going out three times a day. And our walks are gradually getting longer. And when I consider that just three and a half months ago I was in a wheelchair, I am doing great!!

November was a really tough one for me. My daughter decided that she was going to leave not only the City, but the Province! She decided that she wanted to move to the other side of Canada - with only four days notice!


OK. YES. This was a HUGE pill for me to swallow!!!  One month before Christmas, and my only child was moving half a country away?? OMG!!!  She felt that she needed a change - a shakeup in her life. And she wanted a change of scenery. She wanted to try and make a go of it in a new City. Have new experiences. Perhaps she would succeed, or perhaps she would come back. Either way, she wanted to give it a shot. And she is nearly twenty-five years old. So, even though my heart was breaking, and the mommy me was terrified of all the ways this could go wrong - and how far away she would be from me. I am tremendously proud of how courageous she is. I admire her bravery. To pick up and move across the country is a scary thing to do. To be honest, I'm not sure I could do it. My prayer is that God keeps my baby safe and that she finds the life she is in search of.  And if for any reason things don't go as she would like for them to, she knows she can always come home again.

Needless to say, Christmas was very difficult. The first one I would be apart from my daughter. I have to be honest in saying that I went back-and-forth a dozen times on whether or not I would even 'do' Christmas this year. In the end, I went through with it. And although my mind was certainly on my daughter and I missed her terribly, the day was quite lovely. It was spent with family, and I even attended the Christmas Market this year with my sister. Something I have wanted to do for a couple of years now, and was never able to do.

Like each  year, there are high points and low points, but all in all, I have to say that 2014 was a year of blessings for me. And I am truly thankful. In a lot of ways it is like a launching pad for the years to follow. For my daughter in her endeavours. And for my new knee and all of the adventures it will take me to!

And I am looking forward to all of them!


Monday, December 29, 2014

Your HOROSCOPE For The Week Of December 29th!!

Aries (March 21-April 19)
You will unite with someone who you have not seen in a while. This reconnection may happen via online, or in person, however, either way it will be a good connection indeed.  

Taurus (April 20- May 20)
You are on a good path. Money will be coming in soon. Save as much cash as possible and you will be able to invest your money wisely within the next few months.  

Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Give yourself a break. Being too hard on you will only stress you out, so love yourself and lower your stress.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Do not protest because things are not going your way. Open your mind to the suggestions of others and another way of doing things may appeal to you.

Leo (July 23- August 22)
Focus on peace and harmony this week. Do not allow family drama, relationship issues, or even career concerns to worry you. Meditate and envision love so tranquility will embrace you.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Love is in the air. If you are single then lookout! If you are in a serious relationship then you can expect a rise in passion this week.  

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Be straight with those who have offended you. Speaking up for yourself is the best way to clear the air. As long as you are not longwinded and use tact, then you will get your point across and may even receive an apology.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)
Say yes only if you really want to. Otherwise you may disappoint someone when you cancel.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
Do not give up the faith. Remain steadfast with your health, wealth and character. Save money, make money, eat well and be yourself.      

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)
Someone from the past will surface. If you like this person then welcome them full heartedly. If you have an issue with this person then be leery of reconnecting. There will not be much change in them so expect the same outcome.    

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
Remain determined to get the big tasks done. Putting them off will only add stress on your brain.  

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20)
It is easier to be yourself and not worry about what people think as opposed to pleasing others and being what they want you to be. Do you Pisces.  

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

From my family to yours, I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.  May the gifts you exchange today include peace, love, joy and laughter.

God Bless.


Monday, December 22, 2014

Your HOROSCOPE For The Week Of December 22nd!

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Do not forget about the people who were there for you when you where down. Even if they were not able to help you financially, at least their priceless prayers lifted your spirit.  

Taurus (April 20- May 20)
Keep your eyes on the prize. It will be yours soon enough.  

Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Never say that you are going to help someone but as you are making the promise you know you will not commit to it. If you do you will only affect your own karma and quite possibly disappoint someone who could have really made a positive impact on your life.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)
Your intuition will be on point this week, and especially closer to the weekend. Listen to the small voice within. If your gut is wrenching with that butterfly feeling then there is a reason why. Pay attention. It does not mean something bad will happen. Chances are you are being warned so you can prevent unfavourable circumstances.

Leo (July 23- August 22)
Speak up, but also be humble. Puffing up your chest and behaving as if your view is the best view will only have others lose respect for you as opposed to wanting to follow your advice.  

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Do what comes natural. Second guessing your instincts will only put you in first gear. If you want to move faster then you will have to appreciate your abilities and believe in yourself.  

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Others may laugh at you, but that is okay, at least you know you will have the last laugh.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)
Give yourself a break. Being hard on yourself is good. It means you trust in your ability to do better. However, know the fine line of diligence and self-deprecation.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
Mush! Move! Get going!!!! And do not stop. This is your time to rise and it may take a few days, weeks or months or even all year, but as long as you keep on keeping on without complaining, then you will make it through, and you will come through with shinning colours.    

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)
Your birthday time has arrived! Enjoy this time and do not over-celebrate. Pay attention to moderation.  

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
Blaming others for your mistakes will only make you seem petty. Take responsibility for your actions, and if you must speak up to squeal on someone else, then stick to the facts.  

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20)
Do not take it personally when your family member says something offhanded and completely insensitive. They will feel bad enough later when they realize what they had said in such a mindless manner.    

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday To Enchanted Essence!!

My baby is growing up!!

Five years ago today I started this blog. Really not having any intention of how long I would keep it going, or of what shape it would take. So you can imagine my surprise that five years later EE is still here. With a presence on Facebook and Twitter, with 57,000 + page hits. I, more than anyone am surprised!

Someone said to me that the blog exists because I write. Well, yes. (lol) However, what good is the written word if no one is around to read it? So, as with every accomplishment and milestone EE reaches, I have to say Thank You!!  :-)

Thank you, wherever you are in the world, for checking in - be it on your computer or tablet or smartphone, you take time out of your day to click the links, to check in - whether you are reading my latest posts, checking your horoscopes, looking up a recipe, reading a movie review ... or however you spend your time visiting EE - what matters is you are here! And you are welcome!

Please join me in wishing a HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY to EE!!!

God Bless.
