Saturday, October 18, 2014

Total Knee Replacement - Update

Yesterday was six weeks since I had my knee replacement surgery and it got me to thinking. Time is an interesting thing - isn't it? These past six weeks on one hand; have flown by - feeling like only a week. On the other hand, it has felt like six months!

If you have been following along in my recovery, you know that the first three weeks were hell, and although I am six weeks post-op, I feel like I am really three weeks in my recovery. And let me just say that I have really excelled in these past three weeks.

This past Thursday was my 5th session of physio. I am now officially off of the walker!! YAY!!! In fact, my therapist (Ryan) and I went for our regular walk down the hospital hallway, and we usually do this walk with a cane, but Thursday I did the walk with no equipment. Even though I don't use any equipment in my home, I just hold on to furniture and walls when needed, I just cannot tell you how freeing it was to walk down that hallway on my own! I feel so proud of myself! :-)

As you can see by the photo above, my knee is healing very well. The picture on the left was taken on September 19th following staple removal. The picture on the right was taken today - one month later. What a huge difference! The staple holes are starting to fade, and the holes in the incision are closing nicely.

Most importantly, I am feeling stronger each and every day. And my Bentley will be coming home in two weeks! I just cannot wait to see him again. I miss him beyond words. I can't wait to hold his face in my hands, kiss his nose, and see his big brown eyes!