Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Well, it is that time of year again. The time of year when we focus on that which we should be thankful for. Funny isn't it? We know that we should be thankful all year round. We should focus each day upon our blessings, our loved ones, our health, our life. But in the rat-race we call life, we often forget to stop - and zone in on the good things in our life. Perhaps we know in the back of our mind that there is a day specifically intended for gratitude. Just as our Birthday comes once a year, and we choose that day to celebrate ourselves - when in actuality, we should celebrate ourselves every single day. We use Thanksgiving Day as the day to celebrate our blessings. To acknowledge that we are blessed.

The very fact that I am alive is a reason for me to be thankful. The fact that my eyes were met with brilliant blue skies and sunshine this morning, is a reason to be thankful. And that is exactly why when I open my eyes, before I even get out of bed each morning - I give thanks. And when I go to bed each night, I give thanks once again. For the day, for the lessons, for the challenges, for the strength to meet those challenges.

But as much as I try to be thankful - show gratitude for my blessings on a daily basis. I am not perfect. I forget. I neglect. Alas, I am a work in progress. So, with tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I, too, want to focus in on the gifts in my life. And I want to STOP - and acknowledge the blessings in my life.

Clearly, this year has been an eventful one.. Aren't they all?  (lol)  For me, 2014 will be a year of rebirth. I quit smoking this year, in fact it has now been over 7 months since I switched to ecigs!! 5 weeks ago I also had my Total Knee Replacement surgery. Which I am still recovering from.  And with each passing day, I get stronger. With each step I take, I am closer to reclaiming my life. A life that was lost these past two years, due to my inability to walk. This journey in and of itself has been a gift. Forcing me to slow down and focus on the mini accomplishments, which, when collected, amount to huge accomplishments.

I am now off of the wheelchair fully. This week I should be off of the walker, fully transitioned to the cane.  My dog should be coming home at the end of this month. My daughter and I have gotten much closer over these past weeks. My sister and I have rebuilt a relationship, a friendship, a sistership, over these past two years.

I have felt the love of my friends. A spotlight has been cast down to illuminate the goodness of the people in my life. All of the messages, phone calls, prayers, support and encouragement has carried me through some of the toughest times of my life. I am delighted to say that the vast majority of people in my life have risen to meet the call. And I am thankful, grateful, for each and every one of them.

What I have learned - or relearned .... is that it is the hard times in life that shape us. It is interesting how we tend to focus on the good times, the happy occasions, which we refer to as blessings. But it isn't the sunshine that challenges us. It isn't the happy occasions that shape our character. It is the storms in life that ultimately define us. It is the darkness that allows us to truly see what is around us. To truly see who is around us. To discover what we are made of. And it is then that we get to decide if we like who we have become. And if that answer is "No", then we have a opportunity to change what we don't like. And it is the opportunity that is the blessing.

So, I want to give thanks for the opportunities. For the darkness. For the challenges. For the illumination of my soul. For all who surround me with love and light.

Tomorrow I will be preparing my annual turkey dinner, which in and of itself is a miracle - given that I am still in recovery from surgery! I will welcome my family into my home and share in this beautiful day, in the blessings, in the delicious food. In each other.

Whether you are celebrating today, or tomorrow.....

I want to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Love and Light ..
