Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November 2012

November is right around the corner as October draws to a close.  Thanksgiving, Halloween, Hurricane Sandy.  Surely a month to remember.

And how fitting as November is of course the month that houses Remembrance Day.  The day we collectively stop to remember and give thanks to the brave men and women who serve in our Armed Forces.  Those who sacrifice their own lives in order to preserve the freedoms we enjoy at home.  They keep us safe.   Often times leaving their own husbands/wives and children for months at a time while on tour of duty overseas.

These brave, brave members of our Military need to be praised and held, not only in our hearts, and in our prayers ... but we need to think of them - always - every day!  Not just on Remembrance Day. (Veterans Day in the USA)

November is also a joyous time for me.  It is the month when I put up my Christmas Tree and begin to prepare for the holidays!  I LOVE the Christmas season.   It is also when Santa comes to town ... here in Toronto the Santa Clause Parade started on December 2nd 1905 ... now held in mid-November.   This year  Santa comes to town on November 18th!!

Toronto's City Hall - Nathan Phillips Square - also hosts the Cavalcade Of Lights, which will be held on November 17th this year.  This is a beautiful event where the City's Christmas Tree will be lit... the rinks open .. to music .. fireworks ... and I cannot wait to go!!

Aside from all of the festivities, November feels like a red month to me.  The middle of Autumn, but feels like winter, leaves swirling around.  The trees readying themselves for the snow.  The air begins to have a bite to it.  Comforters and Hot Chocolate become a staple in our lives during this time of the year.

With all of that in mind, I thought I should try out a new background for Enchanted Essence.  Change it up a bit!   I'm sure you will notice that I am forever tweaking this or that.  I am never truly satisfied with my work and this blog will never - ever be "done."

Anyhow .... I hope you like the new look.

Welcome November!!!